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Miles&Smiles is Frequent Flyer Program of Turkish Airlines. You can be a member free of charge and take part in the privileged world of Miles&Smiles by completing the membership form at or by using the mobile application of Turkish Airlines. You can access the digital card that is generated with your membership at the mobile application of Turkish Airlines and enjoy the experience.

How do you earn miles with Miles&Smiles?

You can earn Status Miles on flights with Turkish Airlines, AnadoluJet, Star Alliance member and other program partner airlines.

You can earn Miles through purchases made from program partners in various sectors such as hotel, car rental, fuel, health, insurance, tourism, shopping and entertainment.


What awaits you in the privileged world of Miles&Smiles?

You can get award tickets and fly to anywhere in the world anytime you want by redeeming the Miles you earned from your flights and purchases with Miles&Smiles. Apart from award tickets, you can also upgrade your flight class with your Miles and enjoy the benefits of last minute upgrade options. If you are also a holder of a Miles&Smiles credit card, you can pay the taxes of your award tickets with your Miles. In order to live every moment of your life privileged, become a member of Miles&Smiles and take your first step into a privileged world.

Select Hotel

Good international standard

 A beautiful hotel of good international standard. A huge and very beautiful lobby, convenient spaces for meetings, the rooms are ok with the nice touch of the toiletries provided, which are form Penhaligon London. A convenient solution if you happen to be in Islamabad. 

Scalpha, ITALY Scalpha ITALY 10 Dec, 2016

Outstanding service, beautiful property

 This hotel is a remarkable accomplishment. The security is the best in Islamabad. Within the property, the physical environment is beautiful -- the gardens and public spaces are all beautiful and relaxing. Every staff member I have dealt with has been incredibly helpful and patient. The heated swimming…

woof-woof-arf, Washington, woof-woof-arf Washington, 09 May, 2017

Great Hotel

One of the best hotels I have stayed. With great hospitality, friendly behavior, tight security, beautiful gardens and green areas. I would recommend for those who've never been. They will enjoy from their stay. 

wafaatef, Afghanistan wafaatef Afghanistan 21 Aug, 2017